August 24, 2014

Homemade Coffee Creamer and Butter Coffee Recipe

Most store bought coffee creamers have a very long list of ingredients most of which are not going to help you get through your day feeling energetic and alert. Why add this commercial concoction to your cup of joe every morning? There are some other options that are delicious and also good for you.  I've been on my version of a "Bullet Proof" coffee kick for awhile (coffee mixed with coconut oil and grass-fed butter). Read more about bullet proof coffee here

The idea behind this is that high quality coffee coupled with grass fed butter and coconut oil will give you slow burning energy all day, satiety (no growling stomach) and mental clarity. Good quality grass-fed butter usually has an equal ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fats. Most Americans are deficient in Omega 3 Fatty Acids. These are essential fats (the body cannot produce on it's own). These fats are necessary for hormone production, cell membrane structure and absorption of essential vitamins. Adding some good fat to your coffee will taste great and give you energy of the non-jittery variety. 

Butter Coffee Recipe

Directions: Blend butter, coconut oil and hot coffee in a blender or with a stick blender. This will emulsify the fats and make your coffee a little frothy - similar to a latte.

- 1 cup of organic coffee
- 1 Tbsp grass-fed unsalted butter (salted will not taste good)
- 1 Tbsp coconut oil

Some suggest replacing bulletproof coffee as your morning meal. I do not recommend this. While you will get a lot of great nutrients from butter coffee, it does not replace a meal. 

As much as I love my butter coffee sometimes I switch it up and use coconut creamer.  Full fat coconut milk is the perfect creamer and doesn't even taste like coconut- so it's really versatile. My husband hates coconut and I put this in his coffee and he doesn't even notice a coconut taste. You can mix up this creamer in a few minutes and store in your fridge. It will keep for about a week. 

Coconut Coffee Creamer Recipe

Directions: Mix ingredients together with a small whisk. The cinnamon may take a minute or two to incorporate into the coconut milk. Make sure to buy full fat coconut milk, usually found in a can. The coconut milk in a carton usually doesn't have any fat and will make a very boring coffee creamer. 

- 1 (14 oz) can full fat coconut milk 
- 1 Tbsp cinnamon
- 1 Tbsp vanilla

Take your coffee to work and enjoy it while your co-workers are stuck drinking their expensive triple vanilla, corn syrup, splenda, hormone wrecking, energy killing "coffee drinks".

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